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Engaged research and impact: Why are they important?

Practical information

  • Audience: Postdocs and research staff at Queen's. This course will be facilitated by QUB Research Impact & Engagement Officers with expertise in STEM and arts and humanities disciplines. Postdocs from all QUB faculties are welcome.
  • Date and time: TBC
  • Length: 3 h
  • Place: TBC
  • Number of places: 20
  • Organised by: PDC


This interactive course is designed to explore concepts of research engagement and impact as they align with QUB’s Strategy 2030. This course will allow you time and space to consider the following questions:

  • Does my research currently involve engagement with external stakeholders?
  • What are the intended impacts of my research, beyond those that are purely academic?
  • Is there scope for research engagement and impact in my research? If so, how can I plan appropriately for this?

Programme Objectives

During this course, you will:
  • Discuss what is meant by the terms “engaged research” and “research impact”.
  • Identify the benefits of research engagement to collaborators, external colleagues and the researcher/research programme.
  • Discuss how research impact is defined, measured and evidenced.
  • Investigate how research engagement and impact plans are developed, including identification of and interactions with stakeholders, and evidence gathering.  
  • Discuss how research impact relates to the REF exercise, through exploration of 4* REF impact case studies from a variety of research disciplines.
  • Consider your own engagement and impact plans, as they relate to your ongoing or future research objectives.


Register here


Dr MaelĂ­osa McCrudden

Dr Maelíosa McCrudden is the Research Impact and Engagement Manager at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). Following completion of her PhD in Biochemistry, Maelíosa spent over a decade in postdoctoral research, focussing on the areas of disease progression and pharmaceutical sciences. Following this, she worked in biomedical sciences education, teaching undergraduate students across a range of degree programmes.

Open and accurate communication of scientific research has always been the central principle of Maelíosa’s work, as exemplified through her collaborations with non-profit organisations such as United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the receipt of institutional and national awards for science communication. Maelíosa is also the lead co-ordinator of QUB’s Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) Network.


Kathryn Kavanagh

Kathryn is the Research Impact & Engagement Officer for the faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Science at Queen’s University Belfast and the QUB administrative lead for SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) Ireland in collaboration with University College Cork. In this role, she notably supports academics from the AHSS Faculty developing impact and engagement plans for their research, and developing impact case studies based on their work. Kathryn has been with QUB for 5 years previously in the role of Engagement Officer driving the implementation of the Engaged Research Action Plan. Kathryn holds a BaHons from QUB, an MSc from UU and a Diploma in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from Babson College. Following a period as a KTP associate with an web development company and the education sector, she has spent the majority of her 28 year career in the government and private sectors working in Public relations and Event management in a range of roles covering policy, procurement and international relations as well as managing public profiles for companies in the private sector.


Rating (out of 5): 4.80

Recommended by: 100%

Number of feedback provided: 5

Quote: "I really enjoyed this session. The content was helpful, there was opportunity to apply to the learning. Useful links to other resources and practical guidance. The facilitators were knowledgeable, approachable, and gave 1-1 advice on project specific queries. Thank you!" (Participant on the April 2023 course)