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Award Winners 2020

Delivering Excellence Award

WINNER – Dr Tim Fosker

School of Psychology


As a Lecturer and Disability Advisor within the School of Psychology, Tim has had a significant impact on the wellbeing, retention and achievement of students with disabilities. As well as providing individual support, Tim has been an outstanding advocate for students with disabilities.

Tim Fosker

Community Impact Award

WINNER – Dr Anne Campbell

School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work


Anne is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work and has made a significant impact on society through her expert contributions to drug-using and drug treatment. From her teaching and research, to informing policy and working in the community during the pandemic, she has augmented what we know about drugs and alcohol treatment and practice in NI and the UK.

Dr Anne Campbell

Innovation Award


School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • Aidan McGowan
  • Angela Anderson
  • Professor Phil Hanna
  • Dr Paul Sage
  • Dr Darryl Stewart

This team created an online PG Certificate in Software Development to reskill individuals adversely affected by Covid-19. The ambitious 4-month course was created in just 4 weeks and received over 700 applications. The course was so successful that it is now recognised as a role model for other PG Certificate and online teaching, and prompted the promotion of a further number of PG Certificate programmes at Queen’s.

Staff Excellence 533

Team of the Year Award


Because of their significant contributions, the Judging Panel decided to award this year’s Staff Excellence Award to all three teams in recognition of their very different but critical contributions to the University’s COVID response.

Estates Services Pandemic Support Team

  • Ann-Marie Mulholland
  • Paul Blackledge
  • Andrea Courtney
  • David Courtney
  • Natasha Cudjoe
  • Heather Cummings
  • Ann Hunter
  • Isabel Jones
  • Adrienne Murdock
  • Lyndsey Phillips
  • Thomas Weir

This team is made up of members of the Estates cleaning operation, who worked on campus throughout lockdown to support staff involved in vital research and teaching. As well as cleaning research labs and washroom facilities, they fully disinfected 146 buildings, enabling staff and students to return to campus.


Queen’s Accommodation


Throughout the academic year, staff in Queen’s Accommodation have provided extensive support to students living there. During various lockdowns, they have remained on campus to support all residents both in student and staff and family accommodation, providing a safe and secure home for all.


Queen’s COVID-19 Virology Team

School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences

  • Professor Ultan Power
  • Dr Connor Bamford
  • Dr Lindsay Broadbent

Since the start of the pandemic, Ultan Power, Connor Bamford and Lindsay Broadbent have all played an important role in helping to improve public understanding of COVID. As well as making over 1,500 national and international media appearances, providing a clear and balanced commentary, they are leading Queen’s research efforts on COVID-19 and have secured over £2m in funding.


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Outstanding Leadership Award

WINNER – Professor Donna Fitzsimons

School of Nursing and Midwifery


As Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Donna has provided supportive and inspirational leadership to create a collegial environment within the School. When faced with the challenges of the pandemic, Donna led by example, remaining positive under pressure, developing and supporting staff, and working tirelessly in the service of the school, its students and Northern Ireland’s healthcare services.

Donna Fitzsimons sitting with nurses and air ambulance crew in a helicopter

Lifetime Achievement Award

WINNER – Patrick Brannigan

Information Services


Paddy has worked at Queen’s for 41 years, delivering consultancy and training, and facilitating the embedding of technology and change management initiatives. He has been an active member of various staff networks and groups throughout his career and is known widely across the University as a highly professional and approachable colleague.

Paddy Brannigan, Manager, Information Services Directorate, Queen's University Belfast, pictured beside a stack of book shelves in the McClay Library at Queen's

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Staff Excellence Awards