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Content and Media Review

How should I review a File Store?

File Store vs. Media Library
Whilst a File Store can be set up for storing documents, we recommend storing website-related media, including documents, in the Media Library.

General Advice
If a document in the File Store is over a year old, not currently used in any content, and there is no plan to use it going forward, then it should be deleted. If any documents need to be retained, then please follow our guidance on storing website assets.

Request a Content Report

  • Request a content report for the File Store or the entire website, including the File Store.
  • Use the report, sorted by 'last modified' date, to identify and delete unnecessary content in the system.
  • You can request a content report by following this guidance.

Review and Delete File Store Content

Please Note
If you require a copy of a file before deleting from the File Store, you can open each content item and click on the 'Download' button. At present there is no option to bulk download files from the File Store.

  • Visual Review
    • Website owners/editors can visually review File Store content and make a decision as to whether the document is required based on the file name and modification dates.
    • Expand the site hierarchy, navigate to the 'File Store' section. Note: The File Store section may be named slightly differently i.e. 'Filestore', 'filestore', 'File Store'.
    • Begin reviewing the content in the File Store section.
  • Individual File Deletion
  • Bulk File Deletion
    • In the Section Content tab, select each checkbox for each content item you want to delete, click on the 'Bulk Actions' menu in the section menu and select the 'Bulk delete' option.
    • Or, if you want to delete all files in view, select the first checkbox in the checkbox column, click on the 'Bulk Actions' menu in the section menu and select the 'Bulk delete' option.
    • View this guide for bulk deleting content items from the File Store.

If you have any queries or require any assistance with any of the above, please log a support request via the IT Service Desk.

  • Last updated

  • Service Area
