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Medicine at Queen's: How to Prepare for the MMIs

Third year Medicine student Manya provides some important tips to prepare for multiple mini interviews!

MMI medicine interview

Multiple mini interviews or MMIs are the format of interviews used by UK medical schools to assess applicants. They usually consist of 5-7 stations, each lasting 5-6 minutes. You can get asked a variety of questions including different scenarios and even role plays. The scenarios can include current medicine related news, ethical questions, logical thinking questions, and questions relating to your application etc. Similarly the role plays can test your communication skills, how you deal with an upset patient, or even breaking bad news.

How to prepare for MMIs

There are a lot of free and paid resources available on the internet which you can use. I personally didn’t buy any paid resources. Queen’s also gave me an MMI guide alongside my interview invitation which outlines the guidelines and even had some preparation tips! YouTube has great resources to understand the interview format and how to structure your answers.

I would recommend practicing plenty before your interview date. You should look over some sample questions and familiarise yourself with the format. It will be beneficial if you can practice answering them to a family member or friend, and get feedback from them. Alternatively, you can record yourself and analyse it.

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In an MMI, they judge your ability to think logically and understand the situation at hand, and make an informed decision. For example, in questions of ethical dilemmas, it is important to show the examiner that you are considering both sides and explain how you came to your conclusion.

If you are taking the MMIs for the first time, it can be scary and exhausting. Remember to stay calm. Even if you feel like you didn’t do too well in one station, you have the rest of them to make up for it.

Some top tips

  • Good body language is essential – sit straight, smile, and be confident. Dress professionally.
  • Keep an eye on the clock – make sure you fit your answer in the allowed time frame.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand a question.
  • Use a structured approach to answer the questions asked (like the STARR method).
  • Don’t shy away from using past experience of teamwork, leadership skills and empathy in your answers.

Stay calm and be yourself and the MMIs will seem easy to you. Best of luck!

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Medicine at Queen's

VIDEO: What is Medicine Placement like at a Russell Group University?

Manya Ranganathan 

Medicine | Undergraduate Student | India

I am in my third year of medical school at Queen’s. It has been an enjoyable few years in Belfast with lots of study sessions in the McClay, discovering new parts of the city and working together with my peers. I am an international student from Delhi, India but the wonderful people I have met and the friends I’ve made make Belfast seem like home.

 Manya Ranganathan