- Episode 1 - Home Rule and the Ulster Crisis
- Episode 2 - Partition and the Two Irelands
- Episode 3 - The Partitionist Mentality
- Episode 4 -'Gender and partition: ‘it’s a queer sort of existence this’'
- Episode 5 - Partition and the Southern Irish Protestant experience.
- Episode 6 -‘Northern Ireland: the UK’s first example of devolution’
- Episode 7 - Our church will never perish out of this land: the southern Irish Protestant experience of partition
- Episode 8 - Class in Northern Ireland, a family history
- Episode 9 -The IRA and the Partition of Ireland
- Episode 10 - Partition: Imperial Contexts Professor Jane Ohlmeyer
- Episode 11 - Rethinking unionism and partition, 1900-1921 Alvin Jackson
- Episode 12 -'Community, church and culture in boundary-making' J.Todd
- Episode 13 Ernest Clark - Cormac Moore
- Episode 14 - Life on the line: partition and the border P.Leary
- Episode 15 - Acts of partition: from the Government of Ireland act 1920 to the Boundary Commission1925. M O'Callaghan
- Episode 16 - Writing the Border G.Patterson
- Episode 17 - Partition's Casualties: religious minorities in the new states M.Elliott
- Episode 18 - Violence: The human cost of Partition Dr Tim Wilson
- Episode 19 - The Killing of Sir Henry Wilson: An Irish Tragedy F.McGarry
- Episode 20 - Comparative Reflections Professor Brendan O’Leary
- Episode 21 -Richard Bourke Unionisims and Partition
- Episode 22 - The Partition of Ireland in a Global ContextB.Kissane
- Episode 23 - Broadcasting and the Border: How partition influenced broadcasting R Savage
- Episode 24 - Partition and the Anglo-Irish Treaty Robert Lynch
The Partition of Ireland talks programme in partnership with

Talk 15
Acts of partition: from the Government of Ireland act 1920 to the Boundary Commission 1925.
The theme of this talk takes the position that partition was not a single act but a process of high imperial decision- making over time. Here the term ‘acts’ plays on two meanings - key legislation and high political decisions.
About Dr Margaret O’Callaghan
Dr Margaret O’ Callaghan is an historian and political analyst at the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, Queen’s University, Belfast. Her early work was on language and religion and the quest for identity in the Irish Free State. Amongst her publications are British High Politics and a Nationalist Ireland; Criminality, Land and the Law under Forster and Balfour and ‘Women and Politics in Independent Ireland, 1921-58’ in Vol 5 of The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing. She has published on Belfast in 1966, republicanism, policing and the state in nineteenth-century Ireland, the political thought of Roger Casement and his analysis of empire and international relations in his time. Her most recent publication is ‘Women’s Political autobiography in Independent Ireland’ in Liam Harte (ed), A history of Irish autobiography (CUP, 2018). She is working on a book on Alice Stopford Green and her national and global networks.
Further Reading
- Margaret O’ Callaghan, ‘'Old Parchment and Water; the Boundary Commission of 1925 and the Copperfastening of the Irish Border’, Bullan ; an Irish Studies Journal , Volume IV, Number 2, 2000, pp 27-55. Cork University Press and University of Notre Dame Press. ISBN 1353
- Margaret O'Callaghan (2006) Genealogies of Partition; History, History‐Writing and ‘the Troubles’ in Ireland, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 9:4, 619-634
- Kieran Rankin, The evolution and entrenchment of the Irish border,1911-1926, A political geography (School of Geography University College Dublin Ph.D 2005)
- Ronan Fanning, Fatal Path; British Government and the Irish Revolution,1910-1922. (London,2013)
- Nicholas Mansergh, The unresolved question; the Anglo-Irish settlement and its undoing, 1912-72 (London and New Haven, 1991)
- Kevin Matthews, Fatal influence; the impact of Ireland on British politics (Dublin 2004)