Bach Bibliography

Brief Introduction

I began this work in 1986 for my private use (see the history of data compilation for further details). In 1991, it reached to the stage where there were no other published bibliographies more comprehensive than mine, and so I started speculating about publishing it.

Bach references appear very frequently.  It seems obvious that publishing the work in a printed form would quickly become out of date. Considering the benefit of having various search facilities, it has to be published on the internet, so that it could be updated frequently. This internet service started on 5 May 1997. The search engines are created by Malcolm Vincent.

In September 2000, I read a paper at International Bach Symposium Utrecht 2000 (Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands) entitled "Setting up Research Resources for the future: On-line Bach Bibliography Project and International Collaboration", in which I outlined the details of my future plan of its expansion. An abridged version is published in Ariadne, xxvi (Dec.2000).  A revised version of the paper was presented at the IAML conference in July 2003. [PDF + PPT].

Enter the Bach Bibliography

Bach Bibliography is currently accessible from five different sites, as shown below:

Interface Address Database Location Notes
English Belfast, UK Main site
English Ohio, USA Independent mirror site
Japanese Tokyo, JP Partial mirror site

Mirror sites were set-up in order to provide faster and more reliable service.

Last modified: 19 September 2011