Yo Tomita's Critical Commentary Series of the Well-Tempered Clavier II aims to list all the errors, variant readings and amendments in the extant manuscripts of WTC II, so that the information can be utilised by a wider circle of scholars for further research.


Volume I (1993)

Size: B5, iv + 146 pages with 102 music examples.

ISBN 0-9521516-0-X (£18)

Household World Publisher, 139 Sedbergh Park, Ilkley, West Yorks,  LS29 8SZ
Book can be ordered online through R.M.S Dooley.

About Volume I

This volume deals with Bach's autograph manuscripts, listing and describing all the amendments therein. It aims to cover the following subjects:

  1. to reconstruct the sequence of revisions
  2. to reconstruct the layers of revisions
  3. to reconstruct some of the revised parts of Bach's original text from his own discarded revisions
  4. to distinguish authentic amendments by Bach from those of spurious origin from a later date

Click the image below to have a closer look.

Errata to Volume I (dated 12 July 1994) is obtainable from the author

Last modified: 20 October 2003