Rastra used in the 'London Autograph'

Standard Size
Type Size Gauge (1/100 mm) Failure Pressure Ink Folia WM Hand
A 10.25 = 267 - 269 - 262 - 227 - 2,(3) --- thin 1,14 III A?
B1 9.75 = 250 - 246 - 243 - 234 - 2.00 >-< dark 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10-12,
16, 17, 21, 22
B2 9.76 - 238 - 244 - 250 - 244 - 2,(4) --- thin 20 VI B
Ca 9.50 - 234 - 245 - 245 - 233 - (2),4 >-< dark 3,9,19 II A
Cb 9.50 - 233 - 240 - 243 - 236 - none --- thin 6 II B
Cc 9.50 - 237 = 234 - 246 - 234 - 2.00 --- dark 15 V B
Cd 9.50 - 236 - 236 ~ 241 ~ 236 ~ 2.00 --- thin 18 II B
D 9.00 - 225 = 221 = 234 = 218 - none ---* thin 13 IV C

Reduced Size
Type Size Gauge (1/100 mm) Failure Pressure Ink Folia WM Hand
E 7.50 - 197 - 188 - 193 - 182 - none --- thin 18r (foot margin) II B
F 7.25 = 193 - 187 - 176 - 171 = none --- thin 4r (foot margin) I B

Gauge: Thickness of pen is represented as: ~ thin line (< 0.4 mm); - normal line (> 0.4 and < 0.5 mm); = thick line (> 0.6 mm)
Fail: lines frequently missing from a staff. ( ) - less frequent
Pressure: indicated in three areas of a line; beginning, middle and ending by the following symbols: - even; > decreasing; < increasing; * acute bend is found where the apparatus was lifted.
Ink: dark: same darkness (black) as the rest of notation; thin: thinner ink, or lighter than the rest of symbols.
Hand: See Tomita (1990), p.76 ff.

Unsuccessful staff-drawing with rastra and some of the habitual factors of their use often attests interesting mishaps at the time of preparing the music paper.
Staff Drawing

(c) Yo Tomita 1996