Queen’s to play host to NI’s first Being Human Festival of the Humanities
Queen’s will host Northern Ireland’s first ever Being Human hub as part of the 2017 Being Human Festival, the UK’s national festival of the humanities.

The Being Human Festival is a nine-day national celebration of big ideas, big debates and engaging activities for all ages through a number of events, led by the University of London in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy.
This year, only five Being Human hubs have been awarded across the whole of the UK.
The hub at Queen’s will be based within the School of Arts, English and Languages, and led by Dr Franziska Schroeder, Senior Lecturer, Impact Champion and Head of Music Performance at the university.
Entitled ‘Belfast Celebrates the Humanities’, the Queen’s hub will present seven exciting events on the theme of ‘Lost and Found’ running from the 19-24 November 2017. Each event will explore an aspect of humanities-based research and has been developed in conjunction with a range of Northern Ireland wide community partners such as Tinderbox Theatre Company, the Ulster Museum, Public Records Office Northern Ireland, Belfast Exposed Gallery and TheatreofplucK.
Speaking ahead of the festival Dr Schroeder, said: “We are thrilled to be Northern Ireland’s first ever Being Human hub as it is a fantastic opportunity for Queen’s to showcase our humanities-based research, as well as our partnerships with diverse organisations across Northern Ireland.
“We have created a varied programme comprising workshops, screenings and discussions looking at diverse themes as wide-ranging as kidney transplantation, hearing loss, conflict, teen issues, ageing and histories of the First World War. The events are free, open to the general public, and will provide an understanding of how the research being carried out at Queen’s has an impact and relates to everyday life.”
The UK-wide Being Human Festival will take place from 17-25 November 2017, with more than 200 events happening across the UK.
For more information on the festival and to register for the events taking place at Queen’s, please visit: http://go.qub.ac.uk/beinghuman
Media inquiries to Zara McBrearty at Queen's Communications Office on Tel: (028) 9097 3259 or email z.mcbrearty@qub.ac.uk