This page will keep you up to date on staff sustainability programmes, training courses and events.

Staff within Queen's University have been acting for biodiversity and the climate for several years, showcased by staff's commitment to Green Impact, which was supported throughout campus since 2008.
As part of Queen's Net Zero Strategy a new staff Sustainability Award Programme is currently being piloted. The programme enables schools and directorates to identify and establish their baseline emissions, enabling them to create an action plan to address these emissions.
A yearly peer-audit will take place as part of the accreditation process, with an annual Sustainability Celebration event in June recognising schools and directorates who gain accreditation via the programme.
To register your interest in the programme email

Sustainability champions form a University-wide network of individuals who are leading positive change for sustainability in their own areas and in a range of ways. They support the work of the Environmental Sustainability Team by initiating activity in their own areas that makes a real difference on a local level.
Sustainability Champions
Are you passionate about sustainability and the environment? Have you got a range of ideas to improve sustainability in your area and throughout Queen's campus? If so, becoming a Sustainability Champion might be a good way to help you put it into practice!
This network provides you with the opportunity to shape sustainability programmes, initiatives and policies within Queen's, whilst offering you the opportunity to network with other Sustainability Champions.