Collaborative Coaching between Queen's University Belfast and University College Cork
We are delighted to announce the creation of a new collaborative coaching partnership between Queen's University Belfast (QUB) and University College Cork (UCC).

Coaching is a powerful, outcome focussed, development approach. In creating a reflective space, it can be useful in fostering thinking, enhancing skills and developing strategies to be more effective.
In providing 1:1 development and support to staff, both QUB and UCC offer coaching services to their colleagues via their respective staff coaching panels. In enhancing diversity across coaching panels, thus further developing the opportunities available to all colleagues, this new partnership provides access, by request, to coaches across both staff coaching teams.
Both Queens and UCC hold corporate membership of the Association for Coaching and coaches from both institutions have completed their respective coach training programmes and hold a relevant coaching qualification.
Staff can find out more about Coaching at Queen's, via the staff intranet. To explore working with a coach please contact Paula Teggart, Talent Manager,