Are you interested in finding out about what it means to be an inclusive LGBT Ally in the workplace?
The Diversity and Inclusion Unit is delighted to announce that an LGBT Allies Lunch and Learn session will take place on 18 September 2019 in the Senate Room, Lanyon Building.
The session will be delivered by Stonewall, an organisation which campaigns for the rights of LGBT people across the UK and will provide attendees with the opportunity to:
- Develop a better understanding of the language and terminology used by and about the LGBT community
- Explore what it means to be an LGBT ally, and why it’s important to have visible and active allies in the workplace
- Identify practical ways to step up as an ally and to commit to inclusive behaviours
We anticipate high demand for places, so you are encouraged to register asap to avoid disappointment. A sandwich lunch will be available for attendees.
Please contact if you have any dietary requirements.
Booking Information
- Please register via iTrent