Launch of Queen’s Fellowship Academy
Our People First Strategy is committed to attracting, retaining and developing outstanding talent including our early career researchers.

As part of this commitment, we are delighted to announce the launch of Queen’s Fellowship Academy on 13 January 2020 by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Greer and Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise, Professor Emma Flynn. At the launch we brought together Fellowship Academy members and other Queen’s stakeholders, providing an opportunity for the members to network and showcase their research as well as highlighting the support available to Academy Fellows and plans for future events.
The Fellowship Academy provides professional and career development support for Academy Fellows, further details are available on the Queen’s Fellowships website.
The aim of the Academy is to provide members with enhanced support for:
- Research and Funding - from a variety of support services and the academic community aligned to achievement of high-quality research outputs and securing income.
- Leadership Development – Providing access to academic colleagues and senior leaders to sponsor, mentor and support development.
- And Networking and Impact - Activities to support Fellows to make connections across Queen’s and beyond; to support impact, public engagement and to develop their research profile.
A number of speakers joined us at the launch to share their expertise on career development and research funding opportunities, including Dr Jennifer Anderson, Head of Training and Careers, Medical Research Council and Peter Stephenson, Queen’s Research Development Office. Professor Andrew Hopper, Vice President of the Royal Society, discussed his journey as a researcher and entrepreneur.
If you are interested in finding out further information on the Fellowship Academy, please visit