Bunting's Original Manuscript Presentation and Viewing
As part of the Remembering Bunting Festival 2025, Special Collections and Archives will introduce and present a selection of the Edward Bunting manuscripts in the McClay Library on Friday the 28th of February at 2:30pm.
Queen's University Belfast has held the Edward Bunting Collection since it was bequeathed by Charlotte Milligan Fox in 1916. The earliest manuscript dates from the Belfast Harp Festival of 1792. A number of Bunting's unique manuscripts along with original accession letters will be on display in the Special Collections Reading Room.
Pre-booking is essential for this event as places are limited to 25. Please email specialcollections@qub.ac.uk if you would like to attend.
Details on other festival events can be found here: https://rememberingbuntingfestival.com/