The Core Text for this Course is:
Holland, K. and Rees, C. (2010) Nursing: Evidence Based Practice Skills. Oxford University Press: Oxford
Recommended Reading:
Aveyard, H. and Sharp, P. (2009) A Beginner’s Guide to evidence based practice in health and Social Care. Open University Press.
Brown, S.J. (2014) Evidence based nursing: The research practice connection. Somerset: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Craig,J.V. and Smyth, R.L. (2012) The evidence-based practice manual for nurses. (3rd edition) China: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.
Ellis, P. (2010) Evidence-based practice in Nursing. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
Nursing Journals:
We also encourage you to access and utilise the following journals:
Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing
All of the above texts are available from the university library catalogue (click here)
The following additional information and resources may be of benefit to you to gain a better understanding of Evidence Based Nursing
Learn how to reference correctly: (click on the 'Harvard Referencing' section of the website)
Weblink: Harvard Referencing
2. QuestionMark:
A Guide to accessing the QuestionMark program
Link: QuestionMark Guide
3. Learning Development Service:
The Learning Development Service (LDS) is located within the Student Guidance Centre. LDS works with staff and students to enhance learning and develop students’ ability to learn. We have developed resources on a range of areas including essay writing, referencing, time management and maths and statistics.
Weblink: Learning Development Service
4. Shared Student Resources:
The Shared Student Resources Website contains course calendars, timetables, student handbooks and other information relevant to nursing students.
Weblink: Shared Student Resources
5. Evidence Based Practice Updates:
The latest evidence based practice updates from the Royal College of Nursing.
Weblink: RCN: Evidence Based Practice
6. School of Nursing & Midwifery Website:
Website for the School of Nursing & Midwifery.
Weblink: The School of Nursing & Midwifery
7. Queens University Website:
Website for the main university.
Weblink: Queens University