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QUB Maths Competition for Schools 2020

If you have the ability and enjoy solving mathematical puzzles and problems then this is your chance to shine. All you need to do is register your team. The competition will take place on Thursday 17th December 2020 from 11 am to 3 pm online.

QUB Maths Competition for Schools 2020
December 17, 2020
11:00 - 15:00


This annual Schools competition has been held since 2009 and is led by our mathematicians, Dr Gleb Gribakin and Dr Andrew Brown, alongside a team of academics.

If you have the ability and enjoy solving mathematical puzzles and problems then this is your chance to shine. All you need to do is register your team here via our Registration page by no later than Friday 11 December, 2020.

The competition will take place on Thursday 17 December 2020 from 11 am to 3 pm online. We would like to ensure that each team will have a virtual presence on the screen (see FAQs below), to maintain a sense of community in these testing times.


  • There is no entry fee.
  • Teams should have between 2 and 4 members and its members should be in years 13–14.
  • Each school can enter only one team, and every team should be supervised on the day by a teacher.
  • There will be prizes for the first, second and third places. In addition, all participants will receive a certificate.

How do we access the online event?

  • Details for joining the video call for the quiz will be provided to registrants before the event.

What resources do we need to participate in the quiz?

  • You should ensure that your team has a quiet room in which to work, with a reliable internet enabled device (e.g., a desktop or laptop computer), a webcam and microphone.
  • It would also be useful for the team if the computer screen could be mirrored onto a large screen in the room, especially for the quiz part of the competition.
  • Questions for rounds 1 and 2 will be provided as an electronic document, but you may wish to print copies to make it easier for the team to work.
  • Answers will be submitted electronically. Teams members can use pens, paper and calculators, but not mobile devices.

For any queries relating to the event on the day, please email:

Event type
General / Other
School of Mathematics and Physics
Add to calendar
Event Organiser Details
Name Dr Gleb Gribakin
QUB Maths Competition for Schools 2020