Not Business as Usual: Leadership, Conflict Transformation and Resilience for Times Like These
- Date(s)
- April 29, 2020
- Location
- Virtual Session via Zoom
- Time
- 17:00 - 18:30
- Price
The Mitchell Institute invites you to attend its informal discussion series on the last Wednesday of every month. This month we will host a special virtual edition with special guest speaker, Dr Rosie Burrows, a visiting Research Fellow in the Insitute.
This session will engage participants in break out discussions as we explore relational learning, drawing on thirty years of practice based experience and research from both local and international instances pertaining to the present COVID-19 crisis. Collectively, we will investigate how we can build everyday processes, structures and practices of compassion, integrity, guidance and limits with one another and our environment. We will focus on the question ‘how do we each consciously experience the choices we face individually and collectively?’
This event will be hosted via Zoom.
While we can’t provide the wine or cheese this time, you are encouraged to bring your own! We hope to provide opportunities to stay in touch during this troubling time and continue this series.
Please email the Mitchell Institute ( to register and receive the invitation link for this event.
- Department
The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
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