Title: B.F. Skinner: Father. Speaker: Dr Julie Vargas
- Date(s)
- March 30, 2021
- Location
- On-line
- Time
- 19:30 - 20:30
F. Skinner was not only a scientist, he was a parent. This talk gives examples of what Skinner was like as a father. He interacted with my sister and me as a parent, not as a scientist. Still, the positive principles he advocated show in how he behaved as a father.
About Dr Julie Vargas
Julie Skinner Vargas is Chief Science Officer and Chair of the Board of the B. F. Skinner Foundation. From 1966 to 2005 she taught prospective and practicing teachers' principles of instruction based on the science of B. F. Skinner. She is past president of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and one of the founding editors of The Behavior Analyst. Dr. Vargas has written four books and many articles on instructional design. The third edition of her Behavior Analysis for Effective Teaching came out in 2020.
For further information contact:
Professor Karola Dillenburger ClinPsych BCBA-D
email: K.dillenburger@qub.ac.uk
Centre for Behaviour Analysis www.qub.ac.uk/cba
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