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Unlock the Power of your Personality

Would you like to know more about yourself? The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is used to determine differing strengths and types of personalities, can help you.

Scholarship recipient in the graduate school holding a scroll holder
February 3, 2023
Graduate School TR2
09:30 - 13:30

At this in person workshop on the 13 February, you will find out how it works, the benefits of knowing your type and how it can help you communicate more effectively in your study and work.

Prior to the workshop, we will hold a short online session on the 23rd of January from 4pm to 4.30pm using Microsoft Teams.  At this session, you will learn about MBTI and find out how to complete the questionnaire prior to attending the workshop.  Please note attending this session is required before the workshop.

Hear what a student said from previously attending a Myers Briggs workshop – “I especially enjoyed learning more about our own personalities and it will be beneficial for me to remember how all the different personalities in a team are necessary for success.”