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From Here to There: Writing Place and Space - workshop 1

The first in a series of workshops on writing place and space, led by Writing and the City Fellow Sharon Dempsey.

March 7, 2024
The Graduate School at Queen's, TR8
10:00 - 12:00

Workshop One: Place in Retrospect
Thu 7 Mar 10.00-12.00
Graduate School, TR8
An introduction to place-writing using memory and the process of remembering as a creative act.

This is the first in a series of workshops and walks running from Mar-Sep 2024. Students are encouraged to attend ALL sessions, but are welcome to attend all they can. Work produced over the course of the series will be shared through a podcast in autumn 2024.


From Here to There: Writing Place and Space with Sharon Dempsey (Ciaran Carson Writing and the City Fellow 2024)

According to academic and writer, Meg Mundell, “… every story takes place somewhere—and every place is constituted, at least in part, by stories,” Crafting ‘Literary Sense of Place: The Generative Work of Literary Place-Making. Drawing on Mundell’s framework for literary ‘place-making’, this series of monthly workshops, open to undergrad, MA and PhD students, will explore story in relation to place and space. The workshops will be led by Sharon Dempsey, and will involve a series of exercises derived from Mundell’s ‘POET model’, based on five modes of ‘place-oriented experiential techniques’ that engage lived sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts, ideas and actions, through which writers can use to evoke a literary sense of place.


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