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SEMINAR: Cultural Decisionmakers: The Secrets of Managing a Belfast Circus School

Behind the laughs and the gasps at juggling and trapeze is a complex business. This is a moment to hear the inside stories and inspiration.

headshot of woman with mid-length datk hair, wearing glasses and smiling
March 13, 2024
Senate Room, Lanyon Building, Queen's University Belfast University Road Belfast BT7 1NN
13:30 - 14:30

Cultural Decisionmakers is a new series of talks (in-person & online) coordinated by QUBAMCP (Arts Management & Cultural Policy at Queen's) as part of its annual seminars. Each event features a professional working in the arts and cultural industries somewhere in the world whose role and work history sheds light on how decisions are made about creative work. Each session will feature a short presentation by the guest speaker followed by a chaired Q&A.

In this first talk, we are delighted to host Jenna Hall, CEO of Circusful, Belfast with Q&A chaired by Dr Ali FitzGibbon.

This event is free but advance booking is recommended as capacity is limited.

Jenna Hall has worked to improve outcomes for children, families and communities. With an MA in education and community learning and being a champion of partnership working, Jenna has led teams across the UK to increase children and young people’s access to arts and culture, improve families health outcomes and life chances.

In late November 2018, following an extended break flying trapeze, practicing circus and trekking across The Americas, Jenna joined Belfast Community Circus School, Premiere Circus and Festival of Fools as Chief Executive. The three companies operate under the new umbrella name "Circusful". She joined the board of Caravan (the European Circus Network) in 2019 and the boards of the Strand Arts Centre and Cathedral Quarter Trust in 2020.

This event is supported by the School of Arts, English & Languages Education Support Fund. Each year the Fund helps to enhance the knowledge and experience for students across the School and at all levels.

Accessibility information

The Senate Room is on the ground floor of the main Lanyon Building. There is no direct access to roadside but it is a short level walk with some ramp access from the front of the building. There are low steps to enter the building from within the Quad (under double arches on right of Quad, door marked Q, room is to the right). The nearest accessible toilet is about 100m away through a separate level entrance in the same building.

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