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State-led third-party diplomatic intercession in post-conflict societies

November Symposium

exterior doorway leading in to the graduate school
November 22, 2024 - November 22, 2025
Postgraduate Centre TR6
14:00 - 16:00

Hosted by Dr Richard Hargy ~

The responsibility of the state has changed in response to the rapidly shifting international environment and involvement of new actors on the world stage. Consequently, diplomacy has changed with it. Marc Grossman, a former American diplomat who served under three different US administrations, has remarked that “diplomacy is not the answer to every question, but it has utility both before and after conflict.” This seminar will explore similar and concurrent dynamics in cases of conflict transformation. Join us for a stimulating conversation about the role and utility of diplomacy and the shifting dynamics of conflict in the current global political climate. What are the benefits of aligning the international dimension to current conflict-affected regions over the internal? Are there advantages to supranational organisational-led diplomacy over state-led intercession?


1. Professor Gearoid Millar

Chair in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Aberdeen.

Speaking on how Western diplomacy in much of the global south has been undermined by the failings of the neoliberal order 

Gearoid Millar

2. Josh Paul

Former Director at U.S. Department of State and Senior Advisor at DAWN.

Speaking on United States intervention in Palestinian state building


3. Dr. Richard Hargy

Visiting Scholar, Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict, QUB.

Speaking on US government intervention in Northern Ireland post-Brexit

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exterior doorway leading in to the graduate school