Professor Hans Vandierendonck is a co-investigator and PhD supervisor in the Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Network on Algorithmic Solutions (LINAS). His interest is in reliability and fairness of algorithmic solutions.

Richard Hargy, Doctoral Researcher, Queen's University Belfast

International Perspectives and Next Practices

Journal of Environmental Psychology

The Prisons Memory Archive (PMA) explores ways that narratives of a conflicted past are filmed at the site of the experiences and later negotiated in a contested present in the North of Ireland.

Nick Spencer talks to Professor Richard English about his book Does Terrorism Work?

Practitioner Chair, Professor Michael Semple

LINAS Doctoral Training Programme Virtual Information Session

Professor Richard English speaks to Jennifer Duck about political polarization and division

Afghan lives under the Taliban's revived Islamic Emirate

Mitchell Institute Fellows and colleagues from the Department of Justice, Northern Ireland met at QUB on 29 September for a Policy Workshop on Domestic and Sexual Violence.

Exploring how the boundary between the extremist far right and centre-right parties and politics became blurred

Post-Brexit Northern Ireland, the question of Irish reunification, and a crucial role for social science in the debate

Practitioner Chair, Professor David Connolly

Examining the relations between Indigenous Nations and Sovereign States:
How can National, Regional, and International collaboration achieve shared goals?

A Largescale Comparative Analysis of Extreme Right and Jihadi Online Text(s)

The killing of Ayman Zawahiri in a successful US drone strike on his Kabul safe house showcases the inadequacies of policies pursued in Afghanistan.

We are delighted to announce the publication of a number of Working Papers on Afghanistan, led by Practitioner Chair, Professor Michael Semple.

Emeritus Professor Graham Walker, Queen's University Belfast, is author of A History of the Ulster Unionist Party: Protest, Pragmatism and Pessimism.

Professor Lord David Trimble has been described as a ‘giant of Irish and international politics’ by Lord Paul Bew, Queen’s University’s Professor Emeritus of Irish History, on the sad news of his passing.

The PhD courses in "Political Science and Sociology" and "Transnational Governance" of the Scuola Normale Superiore are methodologically pluralist and multidisciplinary.

Professor David Connolly is Practitioner Chair at the Mitchell Institute

Emanuel Patrick Quashie from St Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean will graduate today with a PhD from the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University.

Dr Paul Gallagher graduated on 2 July 2022 from Queen’s University with a PhD in Sociology from the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.

Transforming Justice: An All-Island Examination of Justice Responses to Historical Institutional Abuse

Northern Ireland presents a fundamental challenge for the sociology of religion – how do religious beliefs, attitudes and identities relate to practices, violence and conflict? In other words, what does religion do?

A research project led by Queen’s will study and compare the changing role of majority and minority religions in ‘global north’ contexts: Canada, Germany, Ireland/Northern Ireland (UK) & Poland, as these societies emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mitchell Institute Honorary Professor Rory Montgomery has been presented with the distinction of Officier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur.

Founded in 1988, the Academia Europaea comprises elected academics from Council of Europe states and from other nations across the world.

Professor Colin Harvey writes opinion pieces focused on the state of the constitutional conversation in Northern Ireland

The LINCS/LINAS Seminar Series has concluded for the 2021/22 academic year, and it was an indubitable success.

Professor Kew begins US Friends of Queen’s University Belfast Visiting Professorship awarded by the US-UK Fulbright Commission.

Dickson was a Visiting Student at the Institute from 2018 until the end of 2021. He was the recipient of two prestigious awards for his studies.

We welcomed Professor Melani Cammett for the first time to the Institute in May.

Dr Peter McLoughlin and Honorary Professor of Practice Rory Montgomery speak to TRT World Roundtable.

Following on from her appointment earlier this year, we welcomed Mitchell Institute Honorary Professor Christine Bell to the Institute in May.

The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute has co-hosted two international conferences addressing issues on peace and conflict.

Angela is a PhD candidate in Political Science and Sociology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences at Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence).

Dr Gladys Ganiel admitted to RIA for exceptional contributions to the humanities and social sciences, as well as to public service.

1320, 1776 And all That: The Declaration of Arbroath, The Declaration of Independence and the Fate of Documents

Professor David Connolly is Practitioner Chair at the Mitchell Institute

Planning and Preparing for Constitutional Change: The State of the Conversation

Dr Peter McLoughlin writes article on the Northern Ireland elections for World Politics Review

Lawyers in Conflict and Transition

A Photo-elicitation Research on the Transformation of Social Memory: The Case of Belfast and Carrickfergus (Northern Ireland)

Dr Peter McLoughlin casts his eye over the results from the recent Northern Ireland Assembly elections which saw Sinn Féin emerge with the most seats

Mícheál Ó Mainnín, Professor of Modern Languages at QUB and Associate Fellow of the Mitchell Institute

Dr Peter McLoughlin looks at this week's Assembly elections in Northern Ireland

We are very excited to announce that a team from QUB will be taking part in this very prestigious competition on 21 and 22 April 2022

Professor Louise Mallinder, School of Law and Legacy Theme Lead for the Mitchell Institute

Doctoral Scholar, Eleanor Williams, talks to SpyCast about the intelligence war during the Troubles

Video recording of the lecture is now available to view online

Karli Gibson, LINAS Doctoral Scholar, Queen’s University Belfast

New research, published today, calls for more support for Services leavers who face challenges transitioning from military to civilian life

Public Arts Garage: Transnational Tinkering in Transdisciplinary, Participatory, Public Art

Professor John D. Brewer

Dr John Topping, Senior Lecturer at QUB and a Fellow of the Mitchell Institute

We are delighted to announce the release of the new book by Theme Leads, Prof Kieran McEvoy and Prof Louise Mallinder, and Institute Fellow, Dr Anna Bryson.

Congratulations to Institute Fellows Dr Anna Bryson and Dr Cheryl Lawther who have each won a highly competitive British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship

Professor David Connolly is Practitioner Chair in the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice (Queen's University Belfast).

Professor Alister Miskimmon, Head of the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen's reflects on the current conflict in Ukraine

Mitchell Institute Fellow, Professor John Brewer, releases new publication

Dr Merav Amir, Senior Lecturer at QUB and a Fellow of the Mitchell Institute

Mitchell Institute Fellow, Professor Christopher McCrudden, edits new publication

Mitchell Institute Associate Fellow and Lecturer in Politics at Queen's University Belfast, Dr Peter McLoughlin, writes article for The Conversation.

Amnesty, Human Rights and Political Transitions: Bridging the Peace and Justice Divide