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5 Things I Love About Volunteering

I’ve been a volunteer since I was 14 and now I can’t imagine my life without it. I’ve made so many friends and done things I never would have done before, so take a look at why I love volunteering.

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1) You get to make a real difference in people’s lives

I volunteer with the Enactus project, Frontier, and as part of this project we tutor asylum seekers for the Life in the UK test. This test is awkward and confusing, even I am continually confused by it, but working with other members of the team we work with beneficiaries from Iran and Somalia to help them with the test.

Sinead blog Pouya

This is us with one of our beneficiaries Pouya, while the content of the tutoring can be dull, Pouya is great fun, and we always end up having a laugh.

2) You learn loads of new skills

If I never volunteered I would be dumbstruck in interviews, with nothing to say at all! Luckily all my experiences mean I can’t shut up in interviews!

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3) Your fellow volunteers become your friends for life

Whether it’s been through volunteering with the British Heart Foundation or helping out at charity pet shows, the people you meet through volunteering are some of the nicest around and they're people you'd never have met had you not volunteered. Of course, as we’re students, this also means pints!

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4) You get those feel-good vibes when you volunteer

You get that 'I did something good today' feeling, and trust me, it feels much better than the guilt after a day of Netflix bingeing.

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5) You get to go travelling.

I am continually broke as a student, but volunteering gives you get a chance to go places. I’ve been to London and Dublin with my troupe of volunteers.  It's a great way to explore, especially if you’re an international student!

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This is us just before a night out in London, after placing in the semi-finals of the Enactus National competition!

If you would like to make new friends, learn new skills and generally feel great by helping others check out the volunteering opportunities available right now.

Photo: Sinead Henry
Sinead Henry
Student Volunteer, BA Politics, Philosophy and Economics