Stay Safe This St. Patrick's Day
It’s nearly St. Patrick ’s Day and today we’re sharing some tips to make sure you have fun and stay safe!

Don’t get Hangry!
We all love a good excuse for a good feed, don’t we? So before the revelry commences make sure to eat something substantial (fry up anyone?) It’s a great way to start the day and trust us, you’ll be thankful for it in the morning.
Think Drink
It only takes a second for someone to spike your drink. Keep an eye on your glass and ask the Police for anti-spiking bottle stoppers. And don’t forget, alcohol doesn’t magically leave your system after a few hours’ sleep. So you may still be over the limit in the morning too.
Got a Lift?
No one fancies a long walk home, right? A little forward planning will make sure you know how you and your friends can get home. Remember, it’s St. Patrick’s day so the public transport times will be reduced and taxis are likely to be busy. That being said, never get into the driver’s seat if you’ve had alcohol. And remember friends don’t let friends drive drunk either.
No Means No
No matter how much fun you are having, no means no. Respect other people’s boundaries.
Stick Together and Stay in Touch
St. Patrick’s Day is a great reason to have fun with your friends. But try to stick together. Don’t wander off on your own or let your friends do the same. After all, it’s always more fun together anyway. Also, remember when you had 1% and your phone died just before you hit send? We’ve all been there. Try and keep your phone charged and considering carrying a portable battery pack just in case.
The Craic’s 90
We all want to have a good time on St. Patrick ’s Day. But remember, not everyone is partying. Be considerate of your neighbours, the elderly and families with young children. Why not head to one of Belfast’s official St Patrick’s Day events instead of having a house party? They are free, safe and you never know who you might meet.
Hot Property
Which leads us on to our next point: House Parties. If you’re having people over, only let friends in and keep an eye on who is coming and going. Otherwise, your favourite things might walk out the door! And don’t forget, if a party gets out of hand you may be vulnerable to theft, damage and even lose your hard-earned deposit. If you are heading out instead make sure your house is locked up before you leave and any alarms are set. It only takes a minute but is worth it.
The Serious Bit
Having fun doesn’t mean breaking the law. Police and Council staff will be using body-worn CCTV, so unless you want to be caught on camera, it is always better to play fair. A Police record or University Disciplinary is no party. It can even impact your career and travel opportunities.
Save These Numbers
SOS Bus: 07901 505 505
Emergency: 999
PSNI: 101
Noise Team: 02890 373 006