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Bill Number0066Session1771B
Title To empower the civil magistrates in the province of Ulster to take up and secure all arms in the possession of persons suspected of being concerned in any insurrections in that province.
Variant Title(s) To empower the civil magistrates in the counties therein mentioned to take up and secure all arms in the possession of persons suspected of being concerned in any insurrections in the said counties. [18 Mar.]
Heads of Bill Stages
Originating Body Commons
Leave or Order 11 Mar 1772Leave or Order to Mr Robert French [0834]
Read & Committed 13 Mar 1772Presented by Mr Robert French [0834]
Reported 18 Mar 1772Reported by Right Honourable Thomas Conolly [0459]
Sent to Chief Governor 18 Mar 1772   
Privy Council Stages
Decision of the Irish Privy Council Approved 
Received & Referred to Law Officers8 Apr 1772 
Petition to English Privy Council None 
Decision of the English Privy Council Amended 
Returned Bill Stages
House Presented Commons 
Presented 25 May 1772 
Sent to Other House  
Royal Assent  
Statute Number
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