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Name Search Results

1 Record(s) match your search term 6001
  Name Active In Session(s) No. of Bills Name Code
[–] Mr Alexander
1799, 1800 12 6001 (Not Identified)
This unidentified member is one of the following identified members: 0028 0030
1799 39 George III c.13 American trade 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1799 39 George III c.4 Aliens and gunpowder 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1799 39 George III c.51 Inland fisheries 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1799 39 George III c.3 Indemnity for persons acting for preservation of peace 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.75 Charitable donations and bequests 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.46 First fruits 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.81 Tithe compensation 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.63 Licences and duties 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.70 Quit, crown and composition rents 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.92 Militia 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.86 Duties on coffee 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)
1800 40 George III c.56 Distillers 1st Hse Rep. (Commons)