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Determined international student graduates with PhD in Applied Behaviour Analysis

Dr A Saleh at graduation with two masters graduates
Dr Asmahan Saleh graduated with a PhD in Applied Behaviour Analysis, after an explosion at Beirut Harbour forced her and her family to flee their home in Lebanon.
Her research focussed on Sexual Health Education (SHE) for young people on the autism spectrum in the Arab World. While typically developing adolescents might gather information related to their evolving bodies and sexuality from peers, media, or parents, those with autism have a harder time gathering information from the same sources and often end up misinformed or facing inappropriate sexual behaviours, such as touching their genitals in a public place, due to the lack of information or sexual health education. Parents, particularly in the Arab world, find that discussing puberty and sexuality with those with autism is challenging, and they are not adequately equipped with knowledge on such sensitive topics. This thesis uses four distinct methodologies to explore the topic of sexual health education in the Arab world. First, a literature review on sexual health education for those with autism and/or intellectual and developmental disabilities. Second, a survey that explored parental and professional attitudes towards sexual health education in the Arab world. Third, a case review of a low-resource school that was dealing with inappropriate sexual behaviour with one of its students with autism in an Arab country. Fourth, a single-subject design study that used a culturally sensitive intervention based on behavioural activation with five Arab adolescents with autism that were exhibiting inappropriate sexual behaviours. Results from the literature review guided the development of the survey for Arab parents and professionals. Similarly, the case review led to the development of the intervention using behavioural activation with the five adolescents. Results are discussed in a multi-tiered impact analysis of cultural factors, telehealth use, and the novel application of behavioural activation in sexual health education for those with autism. 
Dr Saleh pictured here with her supervisor Prof Karola Dillenburger and two MScASD graduates at the summer 2024 Graduation ceremony