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Prof Dillenburger co-facilitates new sub-group in autism for CHAIN

Prof Karola Dillenburger

In response to a recent consultation we are pleased to announce the creation of a new sub-group of CHAIN for members with interest in Autism.  This new sub-group will provide an easy way for members with an interest in Autism to share intelligence on the subject, keep abreast of opportunities and if appropriate to coalesce around specific objectives.  

"CHAIN stands for Contacts, Help, Advice & Information Network is sponsored by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). CHAIN is a successful online mutual support network for people who work in health and social care. 

"The Network originated more than 24 years ago in the NHS Research & Development programme and has since grown into a not-for profit international online community of about 16,500 people who are willing to share their knowledge and experience with each other. 

CHAIN is multi-professional and cross organisational, and is designed to connect like-minded health and social care practitioners, educators, researchers and managers. 

Main benefits of CHAIN membership:
* A searchable online directory of members and their interests.
* Being able to post questions or seek advice from a rich and diverse pool of members' experience
* Receiving intelligence on resources, activities and opportunities relevant to one's interest.

There are more than 75 sub-groups and special interest groups within CHAIN, including long established sub-groups focusing on topics such as Dementia, Diabetes, Stroke, Obesity, Patient & Public Involvement and more recent ones focusing on Care homes & residential care; Health & Wellbeing of Health & Social Care Worker; Long-COVID; Addressing Vaccine Scepticism and Integrated Health & Social Care.

Membership is free, and members may join the network, update their records or leave at any time. For further information about CHAIN and to join the network please visit this link.