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aerial view of Belfast City Hall and Belfast City, looking towards Belfast Lough

Queen’s University Belfast, October 16-18 2024

Roundtable | 6 April, 2022

The Centre for the Study of Ethnic Conflict at HAPP is excited to host a virtual roundtable on the potential impact of diaspora communities before, during, and after conflict on April 6th, 2022, from 13:00 to 16:30.

Lanyon Building at Queen's University Belfast
8 March, 2022

Friday, March 11th, 2022

18 March, 2021

Webinar Exclusion amid Inclusion: Power-Sharing and Non-Dominant Minorities on Thursday, March 18 at 16:30 GMT

Colloquium #xbordermins | 14 June, 2021

Meeting |

Vilnius, Lithuania, 13-15 March 2020

Policy and Stakeholder Engagement Workshop |

Podgorica, Montenegro, 19-21 February 2020

Upcoming conference |

The Conflict Research Society (CRS) Conference was to take place in September 2020 at Queen’s University Belfast in Riddell Hall. It was rescheduled to 2021.

Project Meeting |

On December 12-13 a group of six scholars has met in HAPP Queens to discuss issues related to political participation and representation of minorities in nationally constituted societies.

Seminar |

During our seminar, two of our guests will be presenting their work on progress about political status and representation of cross-border minorities on Wednesday December 11 16:00–17:30 in 27 University Square/01/003. All Welcome!

Seminar |

Martin Chung, speaks on October 3 2019 about his ongoing research "Amnesty for the Troubles? Statute of Limitations and the Asymmetric Burdens of Justice in Northern Ireland and Postwar Germany"

Lanyon Building at Queen's University Belfast
Call: Creating Welcoming Communities in NI | 30 June, 2021