PMC publication selected for Cancers journal cover

PMC publication selected for Cancers journal cover
The molecular diagnostic assessment of the PD-L1 test is challenging. Multiplex immunofluorescence and whole-slide digital pathological image analysis have transformed the ability to analyze clinical biomarkers. The Precision Medicine Centre of Excellence at Queen’s University Belfast, which conducts reflex testing of all non-small cell lung cancer cases for the entire population of Northern Ireland, has developed a validated multiplex immunofluorescent biomarker panel for the assessment of PD-L1. Whole-slide digital pathology fluorescent imaging, coupled with bespoke image analysis, enabled the comprehensive extraction of phenotypic data intrinsic to patient samples. The adoption of multiplex immunofluorescence and a digital pathology workflow could triage the vast majority of PD-L1 molecular diagnostic cases and augment the pathologist assessment.