Transforming Behaviour Through Musicking 19-22nd October 2017
Professor Fiona Magowan - Keynote Speech at Min-On Music Research Institute's Annual Report 3-Day Conference in Tokyo.

2017 MOMRI Annual Report Conference: 'Shaping Peace through Sound Practices'
Sound is integral in shaping action and making lifeworlds. In today’s global context of escalating conflicts and violence that have led to mass displacements, loss and suffering, sound has the power to intertwine and cross-cut layers of sociality, influencing bodily interactions and reactions. Everyday sounds draw attention to complex layers of place-memories, dislocations of identity and disrupted emotions, creating opportunities for rethinking the role of music in peacebuilding.
Professor Magowan's presentation asked in what ways and to what extent can forms of sounding, active listening and immersive musical imaginaries influence peace? For those escaping from conflict, how does participation in and across disparate auditory and musical fields facilitate new sound (inter)connections and what challenges arise in understanding diverse emotional and behavioral responses? The argument explored these issues comparatively, from Northern Ireland to Australia, revealing the complexities of generating “sound practices” in the pursuit of peace.