Dr Chunchun (Vanessa) Li wins the Kathleen Lonsdale RIA Chemistry Prize 2023

Dr Chunchun (Vanessa) Li, one of our recent PhD graduates who was supervised by Prof Bell, has been awarded the 2023 Kathleen Lonsdale RIA Chemistry Prize for the best chemistry PhD thesis in Ireland.
Dr Li’s PhD research focused on understanding and controlling the surface properties of nanomaterials which are important because the surfaces determine how these materials interact with their environment. In her research Dr Li used surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to probe the surface chemistry and develop new insights which will underpin the design of materials suitable for use in applications such as sensing and catalysis. She has already been successful in developing methods for therapeutic monitoring of anticancer drugs and environmental analysis.
Dr Li will receive the winner’s certificate and the €2,000 prize at a special ceremony of the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin later this year. She will also be nominated by the Royal Irish Academy to represent Ireland in the 2023 IUPAC-Solvay International Award for Young Chemists.
Media inquiries to Emma Gallagher at Queen’s University Communications Office - Telephone: +44 (0)28 9097 3087 Email: emma.gallagher@qub.ac.uk