NI Science Festival
QUB Astronomy Day and Astronomy Question Time, held on Saturday 22 February for the Science Festival.

1. Lasers Live
Ulster Museum
Every Day 11:00am-5:00pm, until Saturday 22 February. (Workshops every hour)
Suitability: 6 Yrs+
Free. Drop in
Ever wondered why a light bulb brightens up a whole room while a laser produces only a very narrow beam of light? Lasers Live will demonstrate how light is a form of energy, how different colours interact differently, and how lasers can provide us with technologies that were the stuff of dreams just a decade ago. Experts from the Centre for Plasma Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, will be on hand to explain these topics and many more. A unique opportunity for adults and children alike to discover how research by laser and plasma physicists at Queen’s is playing a leading role in how our future world will look.
2. QUB Astronomy Day
Lanyon Black and White Hall/Canada Room/Council Chamber
Saturday 22 February, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Suitability: All Ages
Free. Drop In.
Join the Astronomers at QUB for space-related family fun, including hands-on booths, an ask-an-astronomer station, a demonstration of the Northern Lights using the Queen’s University Planeterella, and short talks by Queen’s astronomers. Weather permitting, there will be a selection of small solar telescopes outside, showing visitors sunspots, prominences and other features visible on our Sun that day.
3. Astronomy Question Time & Star Watch
Larmor Lecture Theatre (Question Time), Lanyon Building Entrance (Star Watch)
Saturday 22 February, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Suitability: 10 Yrs +