
Research from Prof. Borghesi’s group in the Centre for Plasma Physics has been profiled in the January 2022 issue of Physics Today, magazine published by the American Physical Society.

Celebrating the 800th episode of the BBC’s, The Sky at Night
Professor Stephen Smartt has been giving eight live-streamed lessons every Tuesday at 11AM from 12th May 2020.

CTAMOP Academic, Dr. Gabriele De Chiara has published an authoritative review paper in the journal Reports on Progress in Physics.

Dr Michael Rosbotham, who completed his PhD under the supervision of Professor Martin Mathieu in the Mathematical Sciences Research Centre.

Queen’s University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Greer has issued the following statement in response to the conflict in Ukraine.

The unique educational resource which allows gamers to travel through the solar system and throughout history was created as part of Our Place in Space.