CPP research highlighted in Physics Today magazine
Research from Prof. Borghesi’s group in the Centre for Plasma Physics has been profiled in the January 2022 issue of Physics Today, magazine published by the American Physical Society.

The feature focuses on recent results on carbon ion acceleration through the radiation pressure acceleration process published in Physical Review Letters in November 2021 (A.McIlvenny et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 194801, 2021. This research, carried out at the GEMINI laser at the Central Laser Facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, was part of the PhD thesis work by Dr. Aodhan McIlvenny.
Reference: H.M. Hill, A laser selectively kicks carbon out of a foil, Phys. Today 75, 1, 19 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4916