Dr Pete O'Halloran Wins Reviewer Excellence Award 2018

Dr Peter O'Halloran, (Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast) for his review of ‘Knowledge of, and participation in, advance care planning: A cross-sectional study of acute and critical care nurses' perceptions’ Jan Shepherd, Amy Waller, Rob Sanson-Fisher, Katherine Clark, Jean Ball, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2018.
Following a 20-year career as a clinical nurse in the NHS, Peter O’Halloran joined the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast in 2003, where he is now a senior lecturer. Peter teaches research methods and evidence-based-practice, and he is an experienced PhD supervisor. His research focuses on involving patients and their families in decisions about their care; developing organizational and clinical pathways for those with chronic diseases, or at the end of life; and producing models of good practice for the implementation of complex interventions. Funded projects include an all-Ireland realist evaluation of transition to adult services for young people with life-limiting conditions; a realist evaluation of the Liverpool Care Pathway for the dying patient; an evaluation of the acceptability and usefulness of "My Healthcare Passport" to young people with life-limiting conditions; and a feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial of advance care planning with patients who have kidney failure. Methodologically, he has published a number of realist reviews and realist evaluations drawn from mixed methods studies, as well as randomised controlled trials of complex interventions, and Cochrane systematic reviews.
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