Health Transitions Webinar

Transition from child to adult health services for people with complex learning disabilities: Learning from nurses and families
We are delighted to announce two free Webinars that will present the findings and recommendations from a 3-year research study on the transition from child to adult health services for young adults with complex learning and intellectual disabilities
Webinar 1: Wednesday 9th June 2021, 10-12MD
The first webinar is aimed at students from nursing across all fields, AHPs, social work, social care, medicine and other health and health and social care professions.
The aims of the Webinar are to:-
- To raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities to improve the health transition experience for young people and their families
- To develop knowledge and understanding of the role of healthcare professionals in facilitating effective health transitions
To book a free place, please go to Eventbrite
Webinar 2: Wednesday 16th June 2021, 10-12MD
The second webinar is aimed at families with a young adult with complex learning and intellectual disabilities and practitioners across all areas of nursing, AHPs, social work, social care, medicine and other health and social care professions.
The aims of the Webinar are to:-
- To examine the experience of health transition for young adults with complex learning and intellectual disabilities and their families
- To identify ways to enhance local processes to improve the experience and effectiveness of health transitions
To book a free place, please go to Eventbrite:
For further information about the study please contact Professor Michael Brown
Download the full report here. Download the short report here.