NICPR selected as one of 10 ‘test-bed’ projects

The Northern Ireland Cerebral Palsy Register (NICPR) was recently selected as one of 10 ‘test-bed’ projects that will test the NIHR National Standards for Public Involvement in Research. This will involve working with NIHR and PHA to help establish if the NIHR standards work in practice and to share what is learnt from using the standards. As a ‘test-bed’ the NICPR will (i) create a public involvement (PI) group (persons with CP and their family, carers and friends), (ii) collaboratively determine terms of reference, activities and training needs of this PI group, (iii) develop jargon-free communication methods to meet the needs of different audiences, and (iv) record, monitor and evaluate our PI activity. To download a copy of the Standards for Public Involvement in Research please click here.