New PhD Studentship Opportunities
The DfE Studentships are funded by the Department for the Economy (DfE), formerly Department for Employment and Learning (DEL). There are 3 Studentships in total in the School of Nursing for full time PhD research.
The studentship may cover maintenance and fees for a maximum of three years.
For further details re eligibility criteria (including academic, citizenship and residency criteria) please click here.
1: How does experience and diagnostic communication impact on patients’ illness perception in ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction? (more information here)
2: ManGuard: an on-line CVD risk reduction program (more information here)
3: Digital Cross-Cultural Study (more information here)
For further information please contact Dr Joanne Reid,
How to Apply:
- Complete the online application by clicking here for the QUB Postgraduate Applications Portal. Closing date: Friday 23rd March 2018.