AEL students win the Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust Outstanding Achievement Award in Journalism
Congratulations to Zoe Tweedy and Ryan Elliman who are proud winners of the Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust Outstanding Achievement Award in Journalism.

The Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust makes six annual awards to outstanding graduate age individuals among the UK’s brightest best, with prize money and showcasing the winners’ achievements as an inspiration to them and to others to ‘do good, do well’ in life and career.
Both Zoe and Ryan won in the category of Young Journalist of the Year (co-hosts School of Arts, English & Languages, QUB, Belfast)
On Zoe Tweedy - Prof Cahal McLaughlin (Chair of Film Studies): 'Zoe was an outstanding student at both BA and MA levels, and her award-winning films have been screened internationally. For example, her film, 'Nomad', won two Royal Television Society NI Student awards - best camerawork and best short film - and she has also just completed a short film for the BBC NI Two Minute Masterpiece scheme. We look forward to Zoe building on her success here at QUB in the professional film world.’ Zoe: It was a beautiful experience to be honoured with the award in recognition of my filmmaking. To me, stories are incredibly fragile and the chance to tell them can pass abruptly. As such, I am extremely grateful to be in this position as a new filmmaker, with the support provided by awards such as this.
On Ryan Elliman - Don Duncan (Lecturer): Ryan's work stood out for its consistently high production value and its inspiring creativity. He used natural sound and interview clips to convey the subjective reality of a man dealing with grief and loss and showed how that man, Jim Deeds, expressed his inner pain through musical instruments and woodwork. At this early stage in his development as a journalism practitioner, Ryan has shown considerable technical promise and a subtle sensibility in his storytelling – see Belfast's Most Multifaceted Man.wav. Ryan: ‘I'm honoured to be receiving the Anjool Maldé award in Journalism. I intend to use the award money to further my career as a journalist and a storyteller, with the ability to produce pieces of work on a grand and professional scale.’
Further information on the Anjool Maldé Memorial Trust and Awards