Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble Launch their 2019/20 Concert Programme

At an event in the Music Building, QUB on Tuesday 22 Ocotber 2019 Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble (HRSE) launched their 2019/20 concert programme with performances of pieces by Piers Hellawell, Chris McCann and Ian Wilson. All three pieces were commissioned by HRSE last year with funds from Arts Council NI and PRSf.
Hard Rain’s first concert of the season will take place Friday 25th October at 7.30 pm in QUB’s Harty Room, in partnership with Belfast Music Society. The ensemble will perform Olivier Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time (1941) and Toru Takemitsu’s Quadrain II (1977). Further information and tickets for the event (£5 - £14) are available via www.belfastmusicsociety.org.
For full details of HRSE’s 2019/20 concert programme please visit www.hardrainensemble.com
Photo Credit: Stuart Calvin