Dr Leon Litvack discovers second suspect 'Charles Dickens' letter
Dr Litvack, Principal Editor of the Dickens Letters Project, has discovered a second letter, which in his professional opinion, he suspects to be inauthentic.

The letter, which was purchased in 2004 is in the same hand as a previous letter which was reported in the Sunday Telegraph on 10 January 2021. The owner of the second letter contacted Dr Litvack for his professional opinion, owing to his knowledge and expert research on Dickens letters and manuscripts.
As part of his work on the Dickens letters, Dr Litvack undertakes authentications and valuations for major auction houses including Christie’s, Sotheby’s, Bonham’s, and Lyon & Turnbull. Most new Dickens letters that come into the public domain are genuine; occasionally, however, inauthentic examples emerge and are generally identified as such before they are put on sale, thus maintaining intact the reputations of legitimate sellers of manuscript material.
Sunday Telegraph online 31 Jan 2021
Sunday Telegraph 31 Jan 2021 p15