School of AEL and Queen's Global Opportunities offer Virtual Internships
Are you interested in completing a Virtual Internship with an International Company?

We are very pleased to announce that the School of AEL and Queen's Global Opportunities are able to offer 6 students the chance to participate in this unique experience with Virtual Internships at absolutely no cost. Please note- this opportunity is only open to UG students from the School of AEL in 2nd year and above (including final year students) . We particularly encourage those students with caring responsibilities, in receipt of hardships funds or for whatever reason find it challenging to secure international work related experience to consider this opportunity.
If you would like further details on this opportunity, Virtual Internships are delivering an online information session on Thursday 10 June at 1pm (Register now).
Applications are now open (Click here) and will close on Monday 21st June (23:59 BST)
If you have any questions please contact us at