Queen’s Technicians Networking Event 23 April 2021
The School’s Arts Technicians are acknowledged for their work during the Covid pandemic

Technicians at Queen's came together for a virtual networking event on Friday, 23rd April 2021. We were delighted that the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Ian Greer, was able to join us, along with over one hundred technicians to hear about what has been happening with the Technician Commitment at Queen's. A short video (see below), created by Queen's technicians, highlighted some of the major achievements over the past four years and how technical staff have made significant contributions to the COVID effort during the pandemic
Speaking at the event Prof Greer thanked Queen’s technicians for the work they do and in particular for their contribution in keeping the University running during a very difficult year. He acknowledged those technicians who have been working on campus maintaining facilities over lockdown and implementing health and safety measures across Schools. Technicians were also proactive in supporting the Covid-19 crisis by supplying PPE resources to help the NHS; helping with the Covid testing and research efforts; and supporting students and staff remotely.
For more information on the event please visit www.qub.ac.uk/sites/technicians/