Our PhD students go far - Warrnambool and beyond!
Karolina Urbanska received a European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) travel and school support grant this semester which allowed her to travel to the Society of Australasian Social Psychologists (SASP) Summer School at Deakin University, Warrnambool (Australia). This summer school was attended by 50 PhD students from around Australia, Europe and the US.
Karolina said of the trip:
“My experience of attending the summer school was extremely valuable in many ways. I developed an understanding of contemporary research in my chosen stream of moral judgements. Throughout the week, we engaged in a number of debates relevant to the research area. These included questions on how people make moral judgements and what the content of moral judgements is.
Over the week, the small research group I was a part of, developed a research proposal aiming at investigating the effect of negative emotions on the evaluations of moral dilemmas involving prescriptive and proscriptive moral judgements. This research project will nurture my engagement in the area of moral judgements, further to the summer school itself.
The summer school has also provided me with an excellent networking opportunity both within and outside my teaching stream. I met many inspiring students from Australia and around the world. It was very insightful to compare our experiences as well as expectations associated with being a young scholar in different institutions. I left the summer school feeling motivated and excited about the future research collaborations”.
To learn more about PhD opportunities and funding within the School, please contact Dr Judith Wylie.