50 Years of Training Educational Psychologists at the School of Psychology, Queen’s University
50th Anniversary 1967-2017

Since 1967 the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast, the Educational Authority and the Department of Education have developed a successful partnership which seeks to ensure a steady flow of well-trained, qualified educational psychologists to work in Northern Ireland. The Doctorate in Educational, Child and Adolescent Psychology (DECAP) is a postgraduate professional training course, approved by the Health Professions Council for the training of educational psychologists and for employment as a qualified educational psychologist in the UK.
The 50th anniversary of Educational Psychology training at Queens was recently celebrated at a research conference on 13th October 2017 in the Slieve Donard Hotel, Newcastle. Topics under discussion included Mental Health and Well-Being, Children’s Rights to participate in Decision – Making and the Impact of ‘The Troubles’ on Children and Young People.
Delegates had the opportunity to share examples of pioneering service delivery, and to experience some of the more recent developments in the DECAP curriculum such as Video Interaction Guidance (VIG), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Dynamic Assessment (DA) and Family Systemic Therapy (FST).
Guest speakers included: -
- Professor Sandra Dunsmuir, University College London. Sandra is also Programme Co-Director of the University College London postgraduate course in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Young People.
- Professor Laura Lundy, QUB. Laura is Professor of Education Law and Children’s Rights and the Co-Director of the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- Professor Tommy McKay, University of Strathclyde. Tommy is a Professor at the National Centre for Autism Studies, University of Strathclyde, Director of Psychology Consultancy Services and an Educational Psychologist with Argyll and Bute Council.
The conference also saw the launch of 2 research reports
- The transgenerational Impact of ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland
This collaborative report is produced by current year 2 DECAP trainees. It looks at the psychological impact of the Conflict on children and young people in Northern Ireland.
- The acquired Brain Injury Report for Education Authority (EA) Educational Psychologists (Eps)
This report aims to heighten awareness about the nature of Acquired Brian Injury (ABI)and the impact it can have on a young person, and also to inform the working practice of Educational Psychologists throughout the Education Authority.
Educational Psychology continues to be a force for Social Inclusion, Equality and Diversity and, above all, an Advocacy Group for children, young people and vulnerable adults.
For further information on the research reports or the conference please contact psychology@qub.ac.uk