The School of Psychology welcomes new member of staff, Dr Danielle Blaylock

The School of Psychology welcomes new member of staff, Dr Danielle Blaylock, Lecturer in Applied Social Psychology. Danielle graduated with a BA in Psychology from the University of Maine in 2001. She was awarded a MA in 2006 and a PhD in Applied Social Psychology in 2010. After completing her PhD, Danielle moved to Belfast and began a postdoctoral position in the Institute for Irish Studies, followed by two additional postdoctoral positions in the Centre for Shared Education.
Danielle’s research focuses on intergroup relations, intergroup conflict and social change in divided societies and is closes associated with social identity theory and contact theory. As an applied researcher these theoretical constructs are examined within "real-world" contexts; particularly those found within divided communities. Currently, Danielle is involved in three lines of research. The first focuses on school-based contact initiatives designed to promote social cohesion in divided societies. She is involved in an ESRC grant to initiate shared education projects in the Former Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Kosovo. As well as a Spencer grant exploring the impact of shared education initiatives on the parents of young people involved in shared activities in Northern Ireland.
Other lines of research focus on the emotive issue of policing; in particular, the highly charged relationship between members of the police force and young people in Northern Ireland. Danielle is currently working with the Northern Ireland Policing Board on an evaluation of the PSNI’s New Local Policing Model. A third area of research focuses on national identity where she is currently working on projects related to the representation of Irish national identity at national parades and the manner in which individuals experience a sense of shared identity with those around them.
Welcome to the team Danielle!