The School of Psychology Welcomes Dr Phoebe McKenna-Plumley
Lecturer/Teaching Fellow

Phoebe is a Lecturer and Teaching Fellow in the School of Psychology. Her research uses quantitative, qualitative, and evidence synthesis methods to understand social wellbeing in terms of loneliness, inclusion, and related topics including physical and mental health. Prior to this role, Phoebe worked as a Research Fellow on a Royal Society of Chemistry-funded project exploring presence, perceptions, and engagement with LGBTQ+ inclusion symbols in STEM departments in the UK and US. Her ESRC-funded PhD was completed in the School of Psychology at Queen’s and focused on loneliness across the lifespan.
She has contributed to research evaluating the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (commissioned by the Northern Ireland Department of Finance) and briefed the Committee for Finance at Stormont on this policy with Professor Ioana Latu. As part of her engagement with policy, she has also given invited evidence at a Parliamentary inquiry into social isolation and loneliness in Queensland, Australia.
Phoebe has previously worked and studied at the University of Galway and the University of Padua, Italy, and completed a research visit at Purdue University, USA. She co-runs the Early Career Loneliness Research Network and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and member of the Irish Loneliness Taskforce Research Network, as well as the School’s Athena Swan committee.