Supervisor Information

Information for Clinical Supervisors of DClinpsy Trainees
Practice-based Learning Information for Supervisors
This webpage contains information for supervisors of trainee clinical psychologists enrolled on the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Programme at Queen’s University Belfast.
1. General Information about the DClinPsy programme at QUB
2. Becoming a supervisor and supervisor training
- Upcoming dates for Training for New Supervisors
- Upcoming dates for Check-in Training for Supervisors
- Click here to complete the form to offer a placement
3. Placement administration
- QUB Health and Safety Information
- Clinical Report - Supervisor Statement of Authenticity
- Informed Consent for practice-based learning and recording case reports
4. Professional Guidelines
- HCPC Standards of Education and Training
- BPS Standards for the accreditation of Doctoral Programmes in Clinical Psychology
5. Personal and Professional Development
6. Assessment of Competence Ratings
- Observations of Clinical Skills Feedback Form (General)
- Observations of Psychometric Skills Feedback Form
- Observations from Process Recording Form
- Feedback Form Assessment of Core CBT Skills (ACCS)
- Manual for Assessment of Core CBT Skills (ACCS)
- The Assessment of Core CBT Skills (ACCS) should be used to provide feedback to trainees regarding their performance within an observed session of cognitive behavioural therapy (ACCS)
- University College London Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Competency Framework
- University College London Psychodynamic Competency Framework
- University College London Systemic Therapy Competency Framework
If you have any queries about practice-based learning or any of the information provided here, please contact Senior Programme Secretary Nicola Henderson ( tel. 028 9097 4430)